Author: Joscha
These are all blog articles from or about Joscha van der Linden. show all blog articles
These are all blog articles from or about Joscha van der Linden. show all blog articles
15.12.2020 - The Zurich based artist, graphic designer and animal rights activist creates captivating animal portraits. With her work she highlights the unique(...)
04.09.2020 - Cultivated in a fair and sustainable fashion, as well as in organic quality, the coffee from Mexico has an exemplary character and is (in my(...)
21.01.2020 - As we are still significantly involved with Java (thanks to Magnolia!), we need a solid and intelligent environment for our developers. In this(...)
12.11.2019 - Who doesn't love having an overview of things? In programming, changes, new features and bug fixes are continuously added to projects. If you(...)
18.09.2018 - Another documentary to speed up humanity's transition towards a violence-free world. Dominion uncovers what "eating animals" and "intensive animal(...)