Sustainable website, kubus media

Sustainable website, kubus media

04.06.2021 (Amadeus) -

The call for sustainability is growing louder in all areas of society.

So, we recently looked at what would constitute a sustainable website - if there can be such a thing after all.

We'd say that, if the following characteristics are met one can at least theoretically speak of a sustainable website:

  • as few file queries as possible (in the end each query consumes power due to the CPU time used to generate and deliver the files).
  • few pages or even better a one page website (same principle as with file queries, more pages = more power consumption)
  • dark colors or darkmode (dark colors consume less energy to be displayed on user's devices/displays)
  • simple front-end with little to no JavaScript (because that can be CPU intensive as well)
  • "green" hosting, for example from

If you are interested in the topic, feel free to contact us!

Photo: Victor Garcia, Unsplash
